​Cosmetic Dentistry

Veneer Treatment

Veneer treatment places a thin layer of composite or porcelain material over your tooth. Veneers can help improve the aesthetics of your tooth or protect it from damage. We can use veneers to restore chipped, fractured, and discolored teeth, realign teeth, and correct overlaps and gaps between teeth.

​Zoom Whitening

Zoom Whitening

Zoom whitening is a bleaching process that lightens discolorations in your tooth. We can help you achieve up to eight shades whiter in just 45 minutes! Whitening under the supervision of a dental professional has been demonstrated in clinical studies to be safe and is FDA approved.

Dental Bonding

In cosmetic bonding, we apply a composite resin to the surface of your tooth which restores the tooth and improves your smile. Cosmetic bonding can repair chipped or fractured teeth. It can also help minimize gaps, stains, low bites, and tooth decay.  We can use dental bonding to repair the aesthetics of your teeth and give you a beautiful smile!